Caring For Your Lawn in The Spring

Neglecting your lawn at this time of year will result in damage that lasts through all four seasons. Therefore, it is important to know what you must do to take care of your lawn in the spring so that you can enjoy a lush, green lawn all year, every year. Don’t fret however; spring time lawn maintenance can be done without spending a ton of money if you know where to look.

Winter plowing and snow blowing can result in an accumulation of rocks in your lawn. Spring is the best time to remove them with either a power broom or rotary rake. Eliminate those rocks before the grass grows over them.Moist soil in the spring make it an ideal time to roll your lawn. Uneven lawns can be more difficult to mow and maintain. Lawn rolling can help even out those high spots. A riding roller will give you more weight and better leveling.

Spring is a great time to dethatch your lawn. Thatch is the layer of dead grass and other plant matter that accumulates on the lawn surface over time. A thatch build up that exceeds a half-inch height will hamper the health of your lawn, so it is important to periodically dethatch your lawn to keep the thatch manageable. Thatch is mostly comprised of grass, but it can also contain plant matter from the Fall. Another good maintenance tip for this time of year is to check for compaction, especially if your lawn is subjected to heavy traffic. If the dirt from your lawn is too compacted, then the grass will not grow as well.

To combat compaction, lawns are aerated. Although aeration is recommended during the Fall, Springtime is the perfect time to diagnose your lawn and to make necessary plans and preparations if it appears that your lawn is indeed compacted.
